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"Loretta" - Future? or Past?

Monty Python’s Life of Brian (1979). An Oldie, but Goldie. Years ago, we laughed about it, today men wanting to become women and have babies is reality, the "new normal". 

Did Monty Python know what was planned to become our present reality? Maybe. Who knows?

Could they have shown us the past? Very likely.

The transgender delusion happened before. It’s a “religious” sex cult.

Once in the “ancient roman” times, that are not really that ancient. The Romans? The “Greek”? Or the Hebrews?

Then later again, only about a century ago in Germany, Berlin. The first transgender male-to-female surgeries happened around 1919 and the first uterus transplant in 1931 (Lili Elbe died 3 months later of post-operative complications, his body rejected the uterus) by Magnus Hirschfeld in the Institute for Sexual Research  (1919-1933) until the Nazis destroyed the Institute in May 1933 and burned the books and medical reports. (source History of Gender affirming surgery)

HIStory repeats itself.

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Last modified on Sunday, 27 August 2023 00:49

Facts, not fiction !

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